• ADDRESS/PHONE # Changes:
     Must provide proof of residency and change/sign new profile sheet. Profile sheets are printed in the front office.

     How do I register my athlete?  Visit Saguaro's Athletics website or go to Register My Athlete.
     How/where to pay fees to play sports: In the bookstore or online.
     How to find game schedules on the website: Visit Saguaro's Athletics website.
     Cost of attending a sporting event: $5 (free to students with athletic passes on their ID’s). Athletic passes are $30 and can be purchased in the bookstore.

     All day absence , late arrival, early pick up procedure:  pick up attendance form in front office
     Only parent or guardian can pick up student (must show ID)
     Consequences of habitual absences or tardies: A student will be placed on an attendance contract if they have 10 or more absences or tardies in any 1 class. Warning letters are mailed out prior to the 10th one.

     Where does the bus pick up from Saguaro? Exit the gate between the gym and the cafeteria heading towards the football field
     How do you find the bus routes? Website under parent tab then click on bus routes. 
     Do you have to sign up to ride the bus? No. Any student will be picked up from their designated stop as long as they have their Saguaro ID.

     Where do I find District calendars? Website under calendar
     Where do I find Saguaro calendars?Website under calendar
     Where does traffic flow? South parking lot, enter the East entrance and exit the West
    exit. North parking lot, enter the North entrance and exit the North exit. (Same entrance
     What gates are open as points of entry for students?: Front gate by administration
    building, North gate by the 300 building and library, West gate by entrance to stadium
    drive. All gates are manned by a security guard and or administrator.

     Signing in at the office: All scheduled visitors will be asked to sign in, provide
    identification and wear a visitor’s badge.

     How should the parent expect communication from school? Emails will go home to the
    email provided in our system
     PTO weekly newsletter: A weekly newsletter is sent home from our PTO. Go to to join the mailing list.
     How do I communicate with a teacher? Teachers will let you know the best method of
    communication at Open House. All email can be found online or in ParentVue.

     What is the role of a counselor? A school counselor is available to provide academic
    counseling, college and career planning and referrals for support services as needed.

     How does my child see their counselor? NEW ELECTRONIC SIGN UP COMING SOON 


     How to request/pick up homework from teachers when student is absent: If your
    student is absent for 3 consecutive days, an email request can be sent to the
    teacher(s). The teacher will provide any missed work in the homework bin located in
    the front office.

     Can I drop food off for my child? No, not at this time

     No “delivery companies” accepted
     Can my student leave for lunch? No. All SUSD high schools work as a closed campus for
    lunch. Students will only be released off campus if parent is present.
     How do I pay for school lunches? Cash or check can be accepted in the cafeteria or
    online payments can be made at under nutritional services. The online provider
    is called Titan.

     What is Parentvue? A program to view your child’s attendance, grades and academic
     How do I sign up? An activation code is necessary for first time users. Please contact Courtney Clark at 480-484-7105 for this code and assistance on how to use the program.