- Scottsdale Unified School District
- Gifted
- Gifted Cluster Pre-K
Pre-K Gifted
Our Gifted Cluster PreK program is a tuition-based program for 4-year-old children who will be school eligible in the fall and identified at the 90th percentile or higher on an ability (IQ) assessment. The program offers the best of both worlds, a developmental learning environment with typical peers and small group interactions with like-minded peers.
- Emphasis on critical and creative thinking
- Accelerated and enriched curriculum
- Integrated technology
- Flexible Grouping
- Teachers are Early Childhood Certified and hold or are working toward a Gifted Endorsement.
- The Gifted Cluster PreK follows the SUSD district calendar.
- Transportation is not provided for preschool students.
A child must be 4 years old on or before August 31, to be eligible to attend the Gifted Cluster PreK program.
Must be identified at the 90th percentile on an ability (IQ) test for program application. Parents may seek private testing or may schedule testing through our district by contacting Community Education at 480-484-7900.
- Application submitted to the SUSD Gifted Office. An acceptance letter will be emailed after the application is reviewed.
- Registration and fee payment to SUSD Community Education. A letter of acceptance is required for registration.
Children entering after September 1st must successfully complete a gifted preschool screening for eligibility for the program.
- Tuition is $800 per month.
Meetings and Tour Information
Kiva 2024-2025 Tours
The Kiva Cougars offer tours by appointment. Please call 480-484-2200. For more information visit Kiva’s website.
Redfield 2024-2025 Tours
The Redfield Cardinals offer tours by appointment. Please use the link on their page Redfield website, or call 480-484-4000 to schedule a tour.
Tavan 2024-2025 Tours
The Tavan Wildcats offer tours by appointment. Please use the link on their page Kiva website
How can my child be identified for the Gifted Cluster Pre-K?
There are multiple ways to determine if your child is eligible to join the Gifted Pre-K.
- Testing to determine eligibility is available for a non-refundable fee of $120 at the Community Education Office at 7500 E Oak St., Scottsdale, AZ 85250. Once you pay your testing fee, contact the Community Education office to schedule your child’s one-to-one test session at (480) 484-7932. All students must be 4 years old on or before August 31st. (SUSD reserves the right to determine what assessments will be used.)
- Licensed Psychologist reports using any age appropriate instrument identified on the ADE “State Approved Test List for the Identification of Gifted Students in Arizona” can be submitted for review to giftedlearning@susd.org. Generally, results such as the WPPSI, DAS, Stanford Binet or Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities are accepted in SUSD. Original psychologist reports must be submitted for review. For more information on how to submit reports, contact us at giftedlearning@susd.org.
- Testing to determine eligibility is available for a non-refundable fee of $120 at the Community Education Office at 7500 E Oak St., Scottsdale, AZ 85250. Once you pay your testing fee, contact the Community Education office to schedule your child’s one-to-one test session at (480) 484-7932. All students must be 4 years old on or before August 31st. (SUSD reserves the right to determine what assessments will be used.)
What is the selection process to be eligible for the Gifted Cluster Pre-K?
- Provide application and test results indicating your child’s possible eligibility to the SUSD Gifted Office.
- If your child meets the entry requirements for acceptance into the Gifted Cluster Pre-K, a letter will be sent by email. To accept your position you will then register for the class at the Community Ed office. It is a first come, first served process. Call (480) 484-7900 for more information.
- Print your invitation letter and go to the Community Education Office to pay a non-refundable $75 registration fee and the first month’s tuition of $800 to accept your membership in the Gifted Cluster Pre-K. The parent has two business days from the time the email is sent to pay. This completes the selection process. If after two days and the registration is not complete, then the membership may be offered to the next in line.
- Selection is based on multiple factors:
- Gifted and High Potential Indicators
- First Come First Serve
- Residence in-district SUSD boundaries and the SUSD Open Enrollment priorities
- Parents will be notified by mail if their child is 1) fully accepted and invited, 2) probationary acceptance with a later possible follow-up invitation, or 3) does not qualify for Gifted Cluster Pre-K and is eligible for the standard Community Education Pre-Kindergarten programs at your local schools.
- Wait Lists are determined by number of students placed in the program.
2024-2025 Gifted PreK Cluster Application
2024-2025 School Year Application Timeline
January 8, 2024
**Applicants who meet priority criteria**
February 12, 2024
All Applicants
December 13, 2024
Applications, waitlist placement, transfers
Students must be 4 years old before August 31st of the relevant school year.
Applications will not be reviewed until all required documentation has been submitted.
When a Gifted PreK Cluster program reaches enrollment capacity, approved applications will be placed on a waitlist.
Placement of special education students into the Gifted PreK Cluster Program is contingent upon availability of special education services at the selected site.
Applicants must meet one of the two following criteria.
Gifted qualification at 90 percentile or higher in one of these areas: verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative.
IQ of 128 or higher
If I sign up preschool, will the fees transfer to Gifted Cluster Pre-K?
Yes, the fees from Community Education Preschool will be transfered to the Gifted Cluster Pre-K enrollment.
Contacts for the Gifted Cluster Pre-K
Community Education
7501 E Oak St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
(480) 484-7932
Gifted Learning and Acceleration Department
8500 E. Jackrabbit Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
Sabrina Heavlin
Administrative Assistant
(480) 484-5014
Kiva Elementary School
6911 E. McDonald Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Matt Gromek
(480) 484-2200
Redfield Elementary School
9181 E Redfield Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Dr. Amanda Rand
(480) 484-4000
Tavan Elementary School
4610 E Osborn Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85018
Julie Ballard
(480) 484-3500