• What is PANDA?

  • What does PANDA stand for?

  • All I see you do is play? Do you have a curriculum?

  • How do you find children for PANDA?

  • What to do if a parent is concerned about their preschooler's development?

  • What is the process?

  • Children that only have speech concerns, where do they go?

  • Where will the screenings and evaluation take place next year?

  • Can PANDA students also attend Title 1 and Community Ed Preschools?

  • Peer Models, what is this?

  • Do children pay for PANDA Special Education Services?

  • How many children can you have in PANDA?

  • What happens when a PANDA class gets full?

  • What are PANDA hours and days?

  • Which schools will have a PANDA Program for the 2024-25 school year?