- Tonalea Middle School
- Athletics
- Quarter 3
Quarter 3
Girls Basketball
Flag Football
Boys/Girls Cross Country
Tier 1 and Tier 2
Basketball and Flag Football seasons are divided up into two parts, or tiers:
Tier One:
- Registered athletes will practice after school from 2:30-4:00 pm during the first 4 weeks of the quarter. There is no practice on early release days or no-school days.
- All registered athletes participate. This is non-competitive. There are NO try-outs or cuts during this time.
- A Saturday festival will take place at the end of Tier One. Players will be divided up into teams and play games against other teams from SUSD middle schools.
- There will be no grade checks during this time of participation.
- Cost is $60 (Reduced Lunch $20-Free Lunch $10-Must bring letter of confirmation to front office).
Tier Two:
- Following the Tier One season, eligible athletes will practice and play competitively after school for the remaining weeks of the quarter.
- After the Tier One festival, coaches will select approximately 30 athletes to play competitively for the rest of the quarter. These 30 athletes will be divided into two teams: Junior Varsity and Varsity.
- Competitive games against other SUSD middle schools will be played weekly. Transportation will be provided for all away games leaving and returning to Ingleside.
- There will be grade checks during this time.
- Students are not eligible to play in Tier 2 competitive games until both a minimal GPA of 2.0 and no ‘F’s in all classes.
- Cost is an additional $30 fee. Must be paid before first game (Reduced Lunch $10-Free Lunch $5-Must bring letter of confirmation to front office).