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Seeking Site Council Members

We are accepting applications for parent and community representatives to serve on our Pueblo Site Council. Site council is a group of elected/appointed stakeholders that work collaboratively following a set of agreed-upon norms utilizing Roberts Rules of Order. The site council is made up of a body of representatives (staff and parents/community representing all areas of the school) that help guide the administration and staff in decision-making that impacts the school setting in specific areas.  For example, tax credit expenditures are presented and voted on by the site council.  If you are interested in serving, the terms are generally two years but can extend beyond that term with a vote by the council.  Meetings are held one time per month (generally the 3rd or last Monday of the month after school for an hour)- Dates remaining for 2024 are 2/26/24, 3/25/24, 4/29/24, and one potential final meeting in May 2024. Dates for 2024/2025 have not been selected yet.